Advice & Tutorials

I often share my thoughts & answer questions about making art, I will be collecting these posts on this page.

Please note that these won't be step-by-step tutorials, I'm more interested in teaching understanding why you might do something a particular way and encouraging you to make your own choices than trying to tell you how to do things.

Feel free to comment if you have any questions or need clarification! And if these thoughts I share are helpful to you, perhaps consider leaving me a tip on ko-fi.

Thoughts On:


Curious Coder

I’d love to know or otherwise get some insight into your web development process; how you made your site! I’m especially curious to know what it runs on in the backend and how you settled on a design for its frontend. (It’s gorgeous, btw!)

Ah this is definitely something I’ve wanted to talk about, as I’m a strong believer in making simple webdev accessible to the layperson! But the short version is:

  • My site is a static site hosted on Netlify, I use the Eleventy/11ty SSG to make creating my webpages much simpler

  • and the design for my site is a customised version of bootstrap 5—by taking advantage of the 11ty SASS Plugin & the bootstrap SASS source code, I’ve made two custom themes for bootstrap (inspired by the solarised colour schemes bc I like them ^_^)! There’s not a lot to the design beyond that, my primary goal is to make something easy to read so I try to keep it simple & just chop the occasional corner off for some visual interest haha

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